How I Manifested My Dream Career, True Love, Family & The Life I Always Wanted
Mar 06, 2025
I’m sure you’ve heard people claim they can “manifest” and make their wildest dreams come true. They think they can get anything they want, including their dream career, that fancy car, or even the love of their life. If you’re like me, secretly hoping this magic is real, it is (if you know what you’re doing)!
I know this because when I hit rock bottom, I wanted to know how I could start working on that other seemingly just-out-of-reach life. That life I kept dreaming about each night. No longer did I want to get up in the morning and take a look in the mirror wondering, “Is this it for me? Is this really my life?”
Fast forward to today:
- I have manifestation to thank for meeting the love of my life, pivoting into a successful career I adore, and starting a family I cherish and feel so grateful for each day.
- I figured out how to transform my anxiety, heal IBS, let go of perfectionism, and the self-sabotaging habits that were poisoning my life.
- I learned how to achieve work-life balance, calm down, and stop the constant emotional overload that often plagues type-A pro’s like myself.
I no longer have just the illusion of being successful on the surface. I have a life filled with authenticity, meaningful supportive relationships, and a truly healthy body. It feels like having abundance fill every area of your life so you do feel balanced, at peace, and fully present.
I got everything I wanted and much more. Want to know how I did it?
Here’s How I Started Manifesting the Life I Always Wanted (But Didn’t Think I Deserved)
When I first started getting into manifestation, I was technically doing everything right. I envisioned the future I wanted. Which is something I had to get really clear on. I knew I wanted to excel in my sales career while feeling aligned, maintain a healthy work-life balance, develop stronger relationships, reduce my stress and anxiety, and get more confident.
I know, I know – that’s a lot of stuff to work on. But remember, this was my rock bottom, and I wanted a whole new life to get out of the rut I was in. So, I envisioned this future of mine until I could see it, feel it, and even touch it. But still, the “manifesting” was not working because:
1) I didn't believe I deserved this new dream life where I actually looked happy.
2) I always thought things like happiness, joy, and passion were for other special people, not me.
Because of this resistance, the manifestation magic would never take hold.
So, if you are envisioning what you want in life but “manifesting” is not working, maybe resistance is popping up for you too. Basically, this resistance is inner friction. This happens when your beliefs or feelings don’t 100% align with what you want or what you think you want.
When I didn’t believe I deserved a life filled with happiness, abundance, and free-flowing energy, I was held back from getting the life I wanted, needed, and deserved. That’s exactly why manifesting starts with identifying limiting beliefs that no longer serve you so you can manifest effectively.
How to Remove Inner Resistance in Manifestation (You Need This for the Magic to Work)

It’s all about being aware of yourself and your situation.
For myself, I knew that I was driven by a constant fear of failure, I held very high (too high!) expectations for myself, and often worried about what others would think of me or if my actions would be socially acceptable.
I already knew I had a lot of stress in my life but I also thought that high stress was a part of the journey towards success. Without it, I would feel like I wasn’t enough on my own. And I would say that my biggest problems were:
- managing my anxiety and perfectionism
- maintaining personal relationships
- achieving work-life balance
I’m being vulnerable here and telling you all of this because by being self-aware and naturally curious, I could pinpoint what was going on in my life, what tendencies were holding me back (limiting beliefs), and what I needed to focus on the most.
This is what I had to do to commit to the change I wanted to see in myself and in my life.
When I started knocking down and reprogramming my limiting beliefs, I removed all of the things holding me back in life and started to manifest my dream life. This is exactly how I started to see and achieve real change.
Tips for Spotting Resistance to Manifest Real Sustainable Change in Your Life

Easier said than done, am I right? I get it! I thought the same. However, I will tell you the 3 things that helped me the most:
The first thing that helped was to fully understand and accept that awareness is the key to real change. I started journaling about my feelings, emotions, and events happening in my life at the time. In the beginning, this was mainly about just getting the thoughts out of my head and onto paper. But then I realized these tools helped me quickly spot negative thoughts and moods that clued me into the many resistances I had at the time.
The second thing that helped was to not ignore the signs trying to get my attention. For change to happen we have to start feeling instead of numbing or shoving it down. So when I felt triggered, I would sit with the uncomfortable. I would accept my triggers for what they were, hold space for them, release and then move forward.
The third thing that helped was changing my negative energy into positive energy. By turning my negative thoughts into positive, I got out of living with a negative thought pattern and I changed my energy. This energy shift helped me turn those thoughts into empowering beliefs and then, I started to believe I deserved my dream.
And so do you! You deserve the life you want even if it’s for love, a career, a healthy body, or a family. It is possible. All you have to do is start. The life you’re meant for is waiting!
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